Jephir Treks America: Bumbling Through Central America

A 6 week adventure in gastronomica, sights, and observation.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Where we been?

Working, travelling, etc.

Holidays are closing in and Jephir now works at NEBCO (New England Beverage Company) and Trader Joe's, conveniently located adjacent to one another in Milford CT. If you stop by any time during the day and early evening you're sure to find one of us there, signing autographs and waving to our fans. Working in a wine/liquor/beer store is great - besides sampling the goods, you get invited to incredible dinner parties when your boss (in this case named Mike) is damn cool.

Otherwise, more to post, but neither the time or energy to do it.... maybe soon?

Thursday, December 02, 2004

# 1 attraction, The mighty and powerful BEAN!

Mirrored dance

In praise of the bean

Reflections from the bean

The new look of entertainment, Chicago's outdoor amphitheater

never was there a tastier fry then that from the north