Jephir Treks America: Bumbling Through Central America

A 6 week adventure in gastronomica, sights, and observation.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Weddings are drunken times

The only thing better than attending a wedding is bringing a friend who'll drive you home. That is, if you're planning on getting blisteringly drunk and hitting on various members of the opposite sex. Which was the collective Jephir's modus operandi.

Pictures whenever they appear.

Congratulations Dave and Patti.

Off to bed and rehydration.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Zephir, with our two drivers. See any windows or seatbelts?

Yep, those are wooden crates.

Nice spot to spend an evening, eh? It's about 4 kilometers outside Nouidhibou and desolate as all hell. Gorgeous, too.

This is why Abbey Road wasn't shot in Mauritania.

Jeff, off to find the nearest urinal.

This is why 85 and humid isn't hot. Sad to think the Midwest could look like this in 20 years...

Friday, June 03, 2005

An Investigation Into the Effects of Sleep Deprivation and Many an Irish Accent Over a Three Month Period

Pictures whenever we obtain another digital camera.

Actual posts soon.